Friday, March 26, 2010

WINK WINK! Hey Gang! Psst. No violence! Oh and, buy my schlock in Orlando

Come to the church of Glenn in Orlando. I will (wink) tell you about how it is not right to take up arms, bricks, rocks, airplanes against your fellow citizens even though some of them represent a cancer eating us FROM THE INSIDE AND SHOULD BE STOPPED OTHERWISE YOU WILL BE LED TO SLAUGHTER LIKE THE FATTED CALF.


Nothing reactionary about them

And if something awful happens (wink) our news program, and myself personally will have had nothing (wink) to do with it. (smile)

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

I am a Depression Monger and I am creeeeeeepy!

I admit it. I love reading about the Great Depression. I love the misery of it, the fear, the panic, which gives way to misery again. I love these things so much, I am trying to make them all come back.
Just give a listen:

You like how I digress from this into a hate filled schpeil about the democratic party being DEAD? Did you like how I slammed Michael Moore and his "cottage cheese ass?"
How's that for Christian?
But you know? I've been peddling the next Great Depression for some time. Looky here!This is ONE YEAR AGO! This was BEFORE the Healthcare vote!

Well, I am all set for the next year and a half because of this vote. Because I can bank on the economy getting worse since the next wave a mortgages to run into trouble is found in the commercial real estate market. Heh (listen to me again, like we're talking about making a baby together, male or female, doesn't matter. Because I really don't want anyone else to hear this but you.ssshhhhh) Since the day Obama was elected, I don't recall ever once mentioning the inconvenient fact that the crisis ISN'T THE RESULT OF THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION'S policies, or that the mortgage crisis which swiped our economy off the table FOR EVERYONE, has very little to do WITH PROGRESSIVISM and more correctly can be pinned on Wall Street greed and runaway speculation based on DEREGULATION. Hee hee! But just like the comedian needs a foil to pillory, I NEED Barack Obama. He's black, and uppity, and because of that, many honkies just like me, hate the hell out of him. These angry honkies, are my bread and butter baby.
But, that's not to say the management of this company, as I have stated over and over, are HAPPY with the republican defeat over healthcare, oh no.
Look at it from their point of view for a minute. What good is it, being rich and having rich buddies in the media IF THE WORKFORCE, NAMELY UNIONS, aren't squashed to paste on the sidewalk? What good is it having lower class citizens if you can'T rob them blind, destroy their quality of life AND chastise them for their poor choices in life with some conflated imaginary outdated religious icons to bolster your bullshit? These latter activities are the exclusive domain and recreation practices of America's exceedingly wealthy. Would YOU like it if someone took away your Monster Truck rallies, you bass fishing, your beer and peanuts and your baseball?
Hell no. So too the exceedingly wealthy have their playthings: most prized among their possessions is you, their wage slaves.
Again a citizen has risen from your ranks to take the most powerful salaried position on earth and this man has the audacity to take on the club's membership by deluting the power, the very stranglehold on your nuts wielded by big insurance? The impudence! The utter gall! How dare he?
Understand that Uncle Rupe and company cannot let this stand! If this happens, what else might you citizens get up to? Creating jobs by cleaning up the environment and switching to solar power?
The OUTRAGE! There's another group of exceedingly wealthy people attacked: big oil! And further down the road, BIG DEFENSE AND THEIR PORNOGRAPHICALLY OBSCENE CONTRACTS FOR WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION?
How will the heads of major companies involved in war fund their lodges and their "personal administrative secretaries?" and their private islands?
So, coupled with my desire to bring back the good ole days, namely the Great Depression, and our company's penchant for panic and journalistic dog-fuckery (because it's well beyond the rat stage) expect our old standby behaviors. Such as:
Some people say:

Oh, you've asked for it, and we will deliver. Cultural war and a full court press war on truth. It's go time.

And we aren't afraid to be creeeeeepy