Tuesday, March 9, 2010


I have uncovered the greatest scandal in the history of congress.
Today on my show a disgraced congressman further disgraced himself by letting us know what REALLY goes on behind closed doors! Congressmen and their pages, and interns are tickling each other in low-rent apartments, WHILE THEY SHOULD BE WORKING!
Was there ever a clearer indication of the need to REMOVE THE RAMPANT HOMO-FASCIST LIBERAL LIBTARDIANS FROM POWER!?
Take a look!

Or how about this!

We will have more on this, on tomorrow night's show. Stay strong America and I will remain vigilant for you

1 comment:

  1. Dave, I think you need more publicity. So much funny here. I know it probably takes away some rage, but I want folks to see the fucking riotous humour you've got going. ron - Rmuse
