Saturday, December 12, 2009

New Letters from Fans

I've had another letter...

"Dear Feck,
"You think that if you can just keep dancing, no one will notice the puppet hand up you ass. Your gumbas are paying you well in an attempt to preserve the Bus(c)h-Cheney legacy for posterity. Stoking racial and nationalistic hatred might have worked for Hitler, but you have a problem this time around: some of us remember the second world war and why we fought it!

"You ever notice these nut-jobs in camo, blasting hatred out over the hamm radio and the internet always claim they didn't mean to incite violence after some poor bastard gets dragged behind a Chysler down a dirt road?"

"This is what you sound like Friday afternoon. You are a frothing, skid-marking lunatic.

Jackass, I have news: your schtik? It, will, not, work!"

Yet one more example of the Godless heathens out there, working in their basements to dethrone me. Well I have news for you, you little pinhead.

Nanny, nanny, boo-boo. Stick your head in doo-doo.

How about them apples?

PS, say hi to Aunt Susan for me.

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