Thursday, April 29, 2010

You've noticed some removed videos from here..?

I want you to know, I have nothing against satire. Especially when it comes to myself. I encourage it. Because free speech is the life blood of a free republic.
Notice I didn't say democracy.
Now, every now and then, the underwear in the basement crowd, goes too far, and use my videos in a way that disparages me, Uncle Rupe, and the Tea Bag crowd and our network.
I want you to know, I have NOTHING to do, with running around like a chicken with my head cut off, removing those videos from the web. Nothing at all. Here watch:
Here's a video:

And here's a horrible exagerated translation, somewhere below the video, that may or may not be directly below it, indicating my thoughts on the matter, however, the words may or may not be close enough to the video to constitute misrepresentation.
See? I have not complained to the Big Google from them to remove this video, or the big Tube. It's still up there. See it? There isn't a black screen with the words "The user has removed the video...yadda yaddda" because I encourage parody and satire.
Now, as I may or may not have been saying:
See? Progressives have a little trick, where they call something one thing, and they really mean something else.
Most people don't know what that means. It means vapid, stupid, sexually free, drug doing, NAZI, farm animals, child molesters, beastiality, communism, Marxist, Hugo Chavez, Che, Bill Nigh the Science Guy, Grocho Marx, Woodrow Wilson, Big Dick Black, Fabio, Hanna Montana...all these things.
Churches should not be about social justice. Jeebus, was not into that. He believed in a free market. That's why he threw the money changers out, because they weren't paying enough for his speaking fees, dummies!
Jeebus also had a fee for healing the dead. Pay for play.
Lazurus? You think that was for free?
Hell no! Thirty thousand sheckles. Refused to take Cisterces for it. Duh? Rend unto Ceasar? Hello?
It was said that at the end of his ministry, he was making 32 million sheckles a year. Not a bad take. But he was only paying 12 percent in taxes!
Under the Obama plan, JEEBUS would be FORCED to offer care, FOR FREE! Can you imagine how tired he'd get, sprinting back and forth across the sea of Gallelee to get from one venue to the next? How many loaves would this require. And oh, guess what? No fee for all the fishes.
It would have killed him, not to mention the state and federal income taxes would have killed the Judeans. C'mon.
Here's another film, depicting what it would have been like for Jeebus under the Obama plan.

Have a nice day. Enjoy all these videos to their completion. Carefully look through all the posts and note that nowhere, in these posts can it been seen that I am a pencil penis, bad sport who goes around having perfectly good center pieces for satire, removed.
Thank you

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